His trust in his father suffers a great blow, and along with this, his confidence in himself is also destroyed. He realizes that his father is nothing but a “phony little fake”.

#Biff loman actor series#
However, when Biff, in an unfortunate series of events, discovers that Willy has been having an affair with a strange woman, his world comes crashing down. Biff initially believes in his father’s lies and thus takes part in his delusionary world, simultaneously developing the same habit of over glorifying his reality and counting his chickens before they hatch. This justification of Biff’s actions later develops in Biff a compulsive tendency to steal, due to which he also later ends up spending three months in jail. When Willy learns that Biff has stolen a basketball from the school locker room, he laughs at his theft and further encourages it saying ,”Coach’ll probably congratulate you on your initiative.” It is seen that Willy encourages Biff and takes his side even when he is wrong. His attractive, masculine features make him popular in the school, adding to his self-confidence and pride. He is always praised and congratulated by his father, due to which he develops an exalted sense of self. Willy adores him and has great hopes and aspirations for him, and Biff too idolizes his father and sees him as a perfect role model. As a teenager, Biff seems to be the apple of Willy’s eye.